Giving to St Peter’s

The traditional way of giving is through your individual envelop. An alternative is to place your check or cash into a pink envelop on Sunday morning. Be sure to write your name and envelope number on the front.

Via Your Bank
If you use online banking to pay your bills, consider setting up St Peter’s as a payee and set up a schedule for payments. Use your envelop number as the account number. When you are away, your donation to St Peter’s continues.

Each bank has their own policies for online banking.  This may or may not have a fee.  Sometimes it is free if you have at least one direct deposit to your banking account each month.  Check with your bank for details.

2022 Commitment Card
If you haven’t submitted your 2022 Commitment Card, there’s still time. The year is just beginning, and St. Peter’s needs your support to continue serving the congregation and the surrounding community.
Download the card, fill it in and mail it to the church office or bring it with you on Sunday!